Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Craz-E Burger?

Anyone who knows me KNOWS that I am a Cheeseburger Connoiseur, if there were such a thing. However, this latest burger that I found on the web a few weeks ago, has got me floored. It seems to be a lesson in gluttony, a perfect exercise in excess...American ALL THE WAY! It consists of a bacon cheeseburger with a buttered, grilled and glazed Krispy Kreme doughnut serving as the bun. And if that’s not enough to satisfy your yearning for lard you can also try deep frying the doughnut first. On no account add any lettuce or tomato. This meal is a nutrition free zone. A burger like the Craz-E Burger puts things like deep-fried Snickers bar to shame.

Health conscious celebrity chefs would probably have a heart attack at the very thought of the Craz-E Burger but the truth is it’s somewhat of a taste sensation. It combines the feeling of chomping on a cheeseburger with the satisfaction of sating a sweet tooth. There’s no need for dessert because the lingering taste of sugar means you feel like you’ve already had one. The whole heart stopping ensemble takes just 10 minutes to prepare, and the result looks pretty unappealing, but after the first bite many people were hooked. The doughnut was much tastier and sweeter than a normal, bland hamburger bun and the sugar helps to meld the other ingredients together. Many people would wolf one down in a few minutes and then feel like another burger straightaway. Many people reported that after some 3,000 calories later they felt distinctly fatter but definitely ready to repeat the exercise the next day. They said it was delicious.

However, reports from The Big E fair in New England specified that its 1,500 calories of sugar and saturated fat did not stop it from becoming a huge hit at the major fair in Massachusetts. Organizers of the Big E said visitors bought at least 1,000 Craz-E burgers each day of the fair's 17-day run. The Craz-E burger was new to this year's fair, yet the fair's website described it as "classic fair food" but noted: "No single ingredient dominates the burger. They all complement each other with artistry expected from a celebrity chef." The website then added: "The glaze smooths over the burger and oozes into a foreign but delicious combination with the crisp of the bacon."

Like two other American staples – Coca Cola and chocolate chip cookies – the Craz-E Burger was produced by accident. While the inventor of Coca Cola was trying to make a medicinal tonic, the creator of the Craz-E Buger was a chef in Decatur, Georgia who ran out of burger buns and, in desperation, used doughnuts instead. The restaurant also serves a hamdog, a hotdog wrapped in a beef patty and deep-fried. The Decatur doughnut burger was named the Luther Burger after the late singer and record producer Luther Vandross, who was said to be a fan. The name Craz-E Burger was chosen in a competition on Facebook, winning out over other more descriptive suggestions like “Heart Attack on a Bun” and “The E-Normous.

The Gateway Grizzlies, a minor league baseball team in Illinois, serves the Luther burger at games, piling on further coronary heartache by deep-frying the Krispy Kreme doughnut used as the bun....

...As reported in The

Anyway, you'll see what I'm talking about. Well without further ado:

1 Kill Ya Ass special, coming right up....
Don't believe me....check this video out.....

Well until next time....
R. Steed (Big Goldie)
"Fluffy Puffy - The Media Mogul in Training"

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