Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pararnormal Activity - Scariest Movie Ever?

1999 seems like a long time ago. It was during this time that a new movie came out that became a nationwide phenomenon. "The Blair Witch Project". Here is the plot: Three college filmmakers decided to go to Burkittsville, Maryland and research and document the legend of the Blair Witch. As I understand it, Burkittsville was formerly called Blair, Maryland. Anyway, these three filmmakers start making this documentary in the woods and become lost and by the end of the movie, it is assumed that the Blair Witch GOT all of them because they are "allegedly" never heard from again, however miraculously all of their camera equipment and the film is discovered - intact. This documentary film is pieced together "allegedly" to make the film that becomes the movie. This movie was famous and set off a phenomenon for several reasons.
  1. - The marketing behind this movie fueled this movie. The studio and everyone involved pushed this movie as if this was not based on true events, but the ACTUAL film footage from the TRUE events.
  2. - The bouncy, nauseating constant movement of the camera gave the feel of an amateur documentary and lended itself to the realism of the film.
  3. - The town of Burkittsville, Maryland was in on the conspiracy and played along due to the sudden popularity of the movie and their town, their travel and tourism board fully played up the "alleged" Blair Witch history to take advantage of the many thousands of wayward tourists who managed to locate the town in search of the "Blair Witch".
  4. - The film was a very low budget movie ($60,000) and due to an incredible buzz, the film went on to gross $140 million.

However, there was a tremendous blowback from the public for the studio and the town passing off this entirely fictitious story as real. People were really pissed off that the studio purposely deceived them. Yeah, a Hollywood movie studio LIED to the masses. Go figure. Who would believe that?

There was a planned sequel to this movie. Remember "Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2"? Yeah, me neither. I don't think anyone else does either...

....Which brings me to the scariest movie EVER?? That's what THEY say. "Paranormal Activity" reminds many of the Blair Witch Project for only a few reasons. It is an extremely low budget movie that has built a phenomenal buzz behind it. However, things are different in 2009 than they were in 1999. We have Myspace, Facebook and Twitter and viral video from the internet. The makers of the movie played it at ScreamFest ( A horror film festival) in 2007 to great fanfare and won best movie of the entire festival. Then they took it to Sundance in 2008, where the same reaction was garnered from the crowds. It was IMMEDIATELY picked up for distribution, however a snafu came up. The distributors wanted to REMAKE the movie with a big budget and big name actors, however common sense prevailed and the movie was released as is. Then the makers of the movie only released the movie in 2 cities and filmed those crowds reactions to the film and started their relentless viral video and social networking marketing. The grass roots approach has built an incredible hype, which no film can live up to.

Anyway, this is the plot: A couple believe that their house is haunted and proceed to put a video camera in their bedroom to "tape" what happens when they go to sleep at night. That is when the movie picks up at a break neck pace in which the "demon" causes pure terror for the couple as they tape the happenings over a 20-day period. The movie really builds up the tension and attacks the senses on a more cerebral level.

However, this movie is being hailed as the scariest movie of the decade, maybe the last 20 or 30 years. REALLY?? This is not even an original concept. Another movie from 1981, "The Entity" had a very familiar concept that focused on one woman instead of a couple was almost identical however the movie was billed as actual events that may have still been happening to that woman.

Paranormal Activity looks like it make be the next Blair Witch. It only cost $11,000 to make and was shot in 1 week. The film has a certain documentary style about it and an ever so competent marketing campaign behind it. But scariest movie EVER???

Anyway, you'll see what I'm talking about. Well without further ado:

Is Paranormal Activity the scariest movie EVER??....
Don't believe me....check this video out.....

Well until next time....
R. Steed (Big Goldie)
"Fluffy Puffy - The Media Mogul in Training"

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